• 问题背景


  • 问题定位


      f, err := os.Create("benchmark.prof")
      if err != nil {
      defer f.Close()
      defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
      go func() {
      	http.ListenAndServe(":8787", http.DefaultServeMux)
      // 等待一段时间做问题分析
      fmt.Println("\nCTL+C exit http pprof")
      time.Sleep(15 * time.Minute)


      go tool pprof -alloc_space -svg http://localhost:8787/debug/pprof/heap > ~/Desktop/go_heap.svg


    我们发现matchOf申请了大量的内存,于是怀疑matchOf可能存在变量逃逸,使用-gcflags -m重新生成测试程序发现确实存在MatchToken临时变量逃逸到heap。

      go build -gcflags -m   | grep escape
      ../acmatcher.go:165: &MatchToken literal escapes to heap
      ../acmatcher.go:165: &MatchToken literal escapes to heap



      // FixedBuffer fixed reuse buffer for zero alloc
      type FixedBuffer struct {
      	b   interface{}
      	idx int
      	cap int
      	op  iBufferOP
      type iBufferOP interface {
      	assign(fb *FixedBuffer, val interface{})
      	init(fb *FixedBuffer, n int)
      func (fb *FixedBuffer) push(t interface{}) {
      	if fb.idx >= fb.cap {
      		panic("ERROR buffer overflow")
      	fb.op.assign(fb, t)
      func (fb *FixedBuffer) reset() {
      	fb.idx = 0
      func NewFixedBuffer(n int, op iBufferOP) *FixedBuffer {
      	fb := &FixedBuffer{
      		// b:   make([]interface{}, n),
      		idx: 0,
      		cap: n,
      		op:  op,
      	fb.op.init(fb, n)
      	return fb


      type mbuf struct {
      	token  []MatchToken
      	at     []matchAt
      	ti, ai int
      func (mb *mbuf) reset() {
      	mb.ai, mb.ti = 0, 0
      func (mb *mbuf) addToken(mt MatchToken) {
      	if mb.ti >= TokenBufferSize {
      		panic("ERROR buffer overflow")
      	mb.token[mb.ti] = mt
      func (mb *mbuf) addAt(mt matchAt) {
      	if mb.ai >= MatchBufferSize {
      		panic("ERROR buffer overflow")
      	mb.at[mb.ai] = mt
  • 问题原因


    func main() {
    	lc := 1
    	s := make([]interface{}, lc)
    	s[0] = lc
    func main2() {
    	lc := 1
    	s := make([]*int, lc)
    	s[0] = &lc
    go run -gcflags='-m -m' sample2.go
    ./sample2.go:5: make([]interface {}, lc) escapes to heap
    ./sample2.go:6: lc escapes to heap


    func main() {
    	lc := 1
    	s := make([]int, lc)
    	s[0] = lc
    go run -gcflags='-m -m' sample2.go
    ./sample2.go:5: make([]interface {}, lc) escapes to heap


    make for a slice returns a slice descriptor struct (pointer to underlying array, length, and capacity) and allocates an underlying slice element array. The underlying array is generally allocated on the heap: make([]*int, lc) escapes to heap from make([]*int, lc).

    s[0] = &v stores a reference to the variable v (&v) in the underlying array on the heap: &v escapes to heap from s[0] (slice-element-equals), moved to heap: v. The reference remains on the heap, after the function ends and its stack is reclaimed, until the underlying array is garbage collected.

    If the make slice capacity is a small (compile time) constant, make([]*int, 1) in your example, the underlying array may be allocated on the stack. However, escape analysis does not take this into account.